Saturday, February 28, 2009

be happy

There's something off about rushing to get to meditation class. What's the point of pressing and stressing in order to enter a state of oneness? So I arrive to class 20minutes late this morning, only to sit on my mat for 3 minutes, feeling the disappointment of entering in the middle deepen when I realize that meditation is actually over. And get this -- I actually start to cry. My pendulum swings between self pity and blame until I let it go when the yoga teacher reminds me that always needing to be right makes it hard to be happy.

1 comment:

Dr. Jay SW said...

Hey, you're back!

This reminds me of this yoga retreat I was on in Mexico last this cheesy cheap little alarm clock that, as it turned out, made considerably less noise than the waves and birds, having arrived late the night before (having spent all day in the airport--though I had some interesting people to keep me company), I wake up half way through morning meditation and run over there...and of course EVERYBODY else is there, so I'm like the one person who doesn't have his shit together, isn't a serious yogi, and who's totally blowing the yoga retreat....

As it turned out, though, that really wasn't the case....